AIM 1970'S
Automatic Identification Manufacturers (AIM) Formed with 4 Companies as a Product Section of the Material Handling Association (MHI)
Computer Identics, Identicon, 3M and MEKontrol – Learn more by watching the video above!

UPC Standard Adopted by National Association of Food Chains - Designed by IBM, George Laurer
George Laurer is credited as the inventor of the modern UPC bar code system. The addition of the thirteenth digit could not cause the equipment to require extensive modification. The extra digit would allow for “country identification” and make the UPC worldwide and the EAN (European Article Numbering system) symbol was born.

First UPC Scanner in Troy, OH
Took 4.5 years for manufacturers to put UPC codes on 75% of pre-packaged items sold in supermarkets.

Code 39 Symbology Developed by AIM
Used in Industry, Military & Healthcare
New York Marathon Uses Bar code for Scoring
Computer Identics and Printronix
SCAN Newsletter is published
The first trade publication to document the field of AIDC (including bar code scanning and related technologies) and its application in retail, manufacturing, distribution, transportation, health care, communications, and federal and local government operations.

Positive Publicity in WSJ about bar codes

MAD Magazine Cover
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